Insights that reduce friction

We’ll help you leverage Behavioral Economics insights in order to more efficiently and effectively achieve your most critical customer goals.

Whether it’s digital or non-digital, designing a new experience journey or fixing an existing one, we can identify the psychological and behavioral barriers that undermine your customers’ goals and your own— and help you navigate them.

Customers that take action

Your customers are people, and people are complex. There are many factors that unconsciously influence their decision-making— factors they’ll never be able to accurately explain. This is precisely why relying solely on customer input from focus groups, interviews, and surveys simply isn’t enough.

With Behavioral Economics insights, we use academic and real-world research to explain and predict customer behavior, bridging the gap between what they say they’ll do and what they’ll actually do.


Turn insights into decisions

Our process combines Behavioral Economics (BE) insights with conventional customer insights and turns them into customer experience journeys that drive action and help customers achieve their own goals.

Customer goals and behaviors

First, we define your business and customer experience goals. That means gaining context, clarifying assumptions, and getting laser-focused on the perceptions, emotions, and behaviors that will create an exceptional experience. We’ll review any insights and data you already have and, if we’re fixing an existing CX journey, run our BE Audit to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Proprietary BE insights

Next, we’ll run our proprietary BE Insights Sprint, mining the vast academic and real-world research base. We’ll uncover the critical biases, the psychological and emotional drivers, and the behavioral triggers that are most likely to impact your specific customers and identify any BE tactics that have already been tested in the market.

Strategic (re)design

We’ll combine BE insights with conventional, customer insights to design (or redesign) the most effective CX journey. We’ll integrate specific, research-backed tactics at critical moments to create an exceptional experience that drives target behaviors. Then, we’ll workshop the journey with your team to align our points of view and identify the best way forward.

Ongoing testing and launch support

Depending on your in-house capacity, you can either take it from here or have us help you take it to the next level. If we’re staying on, we’ll bring in an additional design, testing, launch, and optimization support to help you effectively execute and measure your new and improved customer experience journey. Think: rapid testing, validation, and scaling activities.